Based on the Sunshine Coast, with over 30 years experience in family law and workplace dispute resolution we provide accredited mediation, family dispute resolution, and other business and organisational conflict resolution services.
- We are one of the only service providers to offer flexible delivery options including teleconference, skype and outside of work hours appointments.
- We work with complex financial and parenting arrangements.
Reasons to use a mediator and dispute resolution practitioner:
- People who opt for mediation, whether in business or family disputes find they have greater control over the outcome. They report greater satisfaction than court ruled outcomes.
- An agreed settlement is shaped by the participants themselves an not thrust upon them by an outsider.
- ResolutionQld offers disputing parties space to resolve disagreements, with or without the support of their legal representatives.
- Research has shown that the sooner separating parents are able to reduce their level of conflict, the better the children adapt to their new circumstances and the lower the risk of long-term harm. Family dispute resolution reduces the time and cost involved in coming to agreement on parenting arrangements and property settlement.
- Individual meetings are held before joint mediation sessions that are structured to suit parties’ needs and the particular circumstances of the dispute.
- The parties are given the flexibility to develop short term or long term arrangements to address their conflict and to resolve the issues in dispute between them.
Read more about our services.